Urban Native Bees

About Us

Ocean Urban Native Bees

Urban Native Bees is dedicated to promoting sustainable beekeeping practices in urban environments. From innovative bee hive designs suitable for limited spaces to educational programs aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of native bees, Urban Native Bees aim to raise awaness of the importnace of these busy pollinators in our ecosystem.

Urban Native Bees also creates long lasting beautiful hives that will become a permanent feature in your garden. Each hive is carefully prepared to ensure longevity and are tailored to suit the species to be housed. 

Urban Native Bees also plays a vital role in community engagement, advocating for the conservation of native bee habitats and the adoption of pollinator-friendly practices. 

Through our commitment to both ecological responsibility and urban beekeeping, Urban Native Bees stands as a beacon for sustainable, bee-centric practices that contribute to the well-being of both communities and the environment.

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